Can I File a Lawsuit if I Drank Contaminated Water at Camp Lejeune?

Can I File a Lawsuit if I Drank Contaminated Water at Camp Lejeune?

Unfortunately, more than one million people who stayed at Camp Lejeune situated in North Carolina between the 1950s and 1980s may have drunk contaminated water. These victims include veterans, their family members, workers, visitors, and others. The toxic water at the marine base was caused by leaks and spills from underground storage tanks, businesses, and waste disposal sites. Additionally, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were discovered in the water that was serving the base housing as well as other buildings. These VOCs include degreasers and dry-cleaning solvents.

Health Issues Linked To The Toxic Water

Some of the main health issues that have been linked to the toxic liquid include breast cancer, bladder cancer, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer, esophageal cancer, adult leukemia, and renal toxicity.

Filing the Lawsuit

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act will allow the victims to pursue legal action. According to the Act, anyone who stayed at the base for 30 days or more while the inhabitants were exposed to the toxic water may be eligible to file a lawsuit. The eligible people include active-duty members, veterans, family members that were living on the base, families of the deceased, non-military staff, and even victims who had not been born yet when their mothers were living at the base.

However, if you have been dishonorably discharged, you may not be entitled to disability compensation or disability benefits. Furthermore, the families of those who were dishonorably discharged are also not entitled to either file a suit or apply for compensation.

Gathering Compelling Evidence

Quality evidence strengthens any mass tort or personal injury case. You can present evidence like your military service records showing the locations and dates you served, documents proving you resided at the base, and medical records, expenses, and diagnoses. Other evidence includes health care information, travel records, and records on disability benefits.

Determining the Liable Party

Filing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuit may seem complicated but if you hire the services of an experienced attorney, the process can become simple and smooth. The attorney will also assist you in establishing liability in the case. In this case, the liable parties may include the federal government, businesses that could have contributed to tainted water supplies, other governmental or regulatory agencies, and other people or groups that acted negligently and contributed to an injury or diagnosis.

Hiring a Lawyer

After gathering all the important evidence and determining the liable party, an attorney will assist you to refine your case and assess the damages. The damages in this lawsuit may include lost wages, medical bills, disability benefits, pain and suffering, permanent disability and loss of consortium, companionship, earning capacity, and enjoyment of life.


If your health or that of a loved one was adversely affected by drinking the toxic liquid between the 1950s to 1980s while residing at the base, you can get justice by filing a lawsuit against the liable parties and seeking compensation for the losses you have incurred. It is also advisable to partner with a litigator who will help you get the best outcome in your case.

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