A Trusted Atlanta DUI Attorney Can Help
If you or a loved one has been arrested for driving under the influence in Atlanta, it’s important to know your rights and to seek legal assistance immediately.
A conviction for DUI can result in fines, jail time, and other penalties. A reputable DUI attorney can fight to minimize your penalties or avoid a conviction altogether.
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Driving Under The Influence (DUI) is A Criminal Offense
Many people do not realize that driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal offense. While a DUI is often charged as a misdemeanor, it can still lead to jail time and other serious penalties.
In most states, a DUI is considered to be a crime because it involves drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs that impair one’s ability to drive safely. In addition to being a criminal charge, a DUI can result in a lengthy suspension of your license, fines, and other consequences that will stay on your record for years.
In order to determine whether a driver is intoxicated, law enforcement officers may conduct a variety of tests to look for signs of impairment. These can include a field sobriety test, breathalyzer test, and blood alcohol content (BAC) test.
DUI-Related Accidents And Injuries Are Common
One of the most common types of car accidents in Georgia involves drivers who are drunk. DUI-related crashes are often fatal, but they can also cause serious injury to victims.
Drunk driving is a major public safety issue that should be avoided at all costs. With strong anti-drunk driving laws and numerous public awareness campaigns, there are many ways to prevent a DUI-related accident from occurring.
However, too many drivers still choose to drive while impaired by alcohol or other substances. As a result, there are too many people injured or killed by a drunk driver.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a crash caused by a drunk driver, you should contact a trusted Atlanta DUI Attorney. These attorneys can help you file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company or, if necessary, bring a lawsuit against them.
DUI-Related Crimes Are Punishable By Fines And Jail Time
In most states, driving under the influence (DUI) is a criminal offense. The penalties for a DUI conviction vary widely, but they include fines and jail time.
The amount of jail time you may face for a DUI depends on many factors, including your age, the severity of the charges, and your previous criminal record. For a first-time DUI, a jail sentence could be between one and six months in prison.
If you have a second or third DUI, you’ll face a higher jail sentence. And you’ll also face more expensive fines.
Additionally, your driver’s license may be suspended. Some states may also confiscate your car or cancel your registration. Moreover, you might be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. This device measures your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) through a breath test and prevents you from driving when it detects that you’re intoxicated.
DUI-Related Crimes Are Punishable By License Suspension
Many states also require DUI offenders to install an ignition interlock system in their vehicles. These systems prevent a vehicle from starting until the driver proves that he or she is sober through a breathalyzer test.
In addition to jail time, fines, and license suspension, most DUI offenders face additional penalties related to alcohol education or treatment. These programs are often a condition of probation or a suspended sentence.
For first-time offenders, the penalty typically ranges from a few days in jail to several months. The mandatory minimum jail time varies by state and can be longer for second-offense offenders.
Depending on the jurisdiction, a convicted driver’s license can be suspended for a period of up to three years. In some cases, the convicted driver may qualify for a hardship license that allows him to drive to and from work or school.