How To Incorporate Colors In Your Award Trophies

How To Incorporate Colors In Your Award Trophies

Awards are an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of your team and a great way to commemorate the event and promote future successes. However, there is no set color palette for trophies. As a result, you have room for individualization in designs and color schemes that match the mood of your specific achievement.

1. Color Significance

Color significance is important when choosing the award trophy for your achievement. Does this achievement require a more formal or serious tone? Colors can be used to convey a variety of moods that are reflected in your trophy design. Color significance will also affect the overall appearance of your team members when they come to collect the award.

2. Color Schemes

Once you have created the overall tone for your achievement, choose which colors are appropriate for inclusion in your design. Color schemes can be used to accommodate any color palette that is utilized in a project. It is important to ensure that your color schemes work well with your other design elements so that you do not create a piece that appears to be disjointed and random.

3. Color Palettes

Color palettes are very specific and direct and feature a variety of colors chosen to create a specific feel or tone. Color palettes can be found in varied sources, such as brochures and websites that contain color schemes that have been specifically selected to work well together. These color palettes will often feature combinations of individual colors that you can use to create a custom look for your employee of the month plaques.

4. Pattern

The pattern plays a large role in the overall design of an award trophy. The pattern can be used to tie in the color scheme, thereby creating a cohesive look for your trophy. The pattern also works well in highlighting an award winner’s name. The use of a patterned background can allow the winner’s name to stand out and be easily legible to the recipient.

5. Use Pastel Colors

Pastel colors are generally fairly subdued and well suited to team achievements. Pastels have a light, soft feel that is ideal for team projects because they are not overpowering and can be used to highlight the recipient’s name or title of their accomplishment.

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6. Use Bright Colors

Long-time awarding organizations have utilized brightly-colored trophies that stand out clearly among the white table settings of other awards trophies. Using bright colors is a bold move and can be quite attention-grabbing. Be aware that using this technique will also make your award stand out compared to other trophies and may not be suitable for some types of achievement.

7. Use A Darker Colored Trophy

Dark-colored trophies are more formal than their lighter counterparts and are often used to give a more serious tone. The rich, dark color of the trophy lends itself well to heavier pieces that feature engraving or other areas where more detailed work has been done.

8. Use Gold And Silver In Your Color Scheme

Gold and silver trophies often fall into the category of awards that are reserved for more prestigious achievements. These trophies are often reserved for lifetime achievement, so a traditional color palette may be used. When using gold and silver in your trophy design, it is heavily recommended that you use them together to make sure that they blend well together. The use of gold or silver in isolation may create a misleading tone for your overall trophy design.

9. Use Specific Colors

Sometimes, your color scheme will be based on the colors of an existing uniform. This is an ideal method to use if you create trophies for the same team or group members. In this way, your trophy will match their uniforms and create a unified look for your team. Tying in your color scheme with a uniform’s colors can also help set up a team-building experience for your recipients.

10. Use Black And White

Black and white is a relatively bold choice, but there are many different ways to use this combination effectively. Black, gray, and white are usually reserved for smaller awards, such as the annual recognition of the team’s coach or staff members for their service to the organization.

11. Choose Color Schemes That Align With The Team’s Corporate Logo

If you have an existing corporate logo, you should consider how the colors of your award trophy align with those colors. The ideal color scheme will complement the colors of your logo and help cement your brand with the recipients of your awards.

In conclusion, the color schemes of an award trophy will often give the most prominent impression on a recipient and your organization. When choosing colors for your trophy, keep in mind that you are partaking in a design exercise, and this process is heavily dependent upon your organizational goals.

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